Product Description
Our Angel of Heaven (Small) is made of birch wood (bark included). Greek for “messenger” (ἄγγελος – ángelos), the angel is a messenger of the Divine. An angel hearkens attentively to God and then whispers of God’s intimate and loving presence in our lives. This Angel is a moving gift for anyone, young or old, on any occasion: a baptism, first communion, confirmation, birthday, wedding, wedding anniversary, ordination, anointing of the sick, a funeral, and many, many other occasions as well (including Christmas – a wonderful stocking stuffer indeed!)
A Figurine from the Forests of Italy
Standing 2.36 inches high, the Angel of Heaven was cut and carved from a birchwood tree in an Italian forest. This is the perfect gift to remind your loved ones of God’s (and your) attentive care and loving concern for them, as symbolized in this angel who stands ever ready to remind us of God’s presence in every circumstance.
Angels? Archangels? Guardian Angels?
Of course, God – being God – does not need angels, archangels, guardian angels, or, for that matter, angels or creatures of any sort. Yet – in God’s omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence – God nevertheless wants angels to be in creation. God has placed angels in a most special location in the hierarchy of being: angels are ordered right below God but right above human beings. Like God, angels, are above human beings, since, like God, they exist as pure spirits and are not bound by space and time in our universe. However, angels, like human beings, are able to reason, to imagine, to love. But, like human beings, angels are below God, since they do not possess the divine attributes of omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience. The great “Angelic” Doctor of the Church, Saint Thomas Aquinas, envisions a hierarchy of heavenly beings within the great hierarchy of being: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominations, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels, and Angels. Angels come last in this heavenly hierarchy, but they come first for many, many persons (especially children) who ask that they bring God’s comfort to them. As guardians and companions on our life journey, angels celebrate with us when we are joyful and comfort us when we are grieving and suffering.
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