Product Description
Saint Benedict of Nursia statue is a rare find. Saint Benedict was born c. 480 a.d. in Nursia and died in 543 a.d. at Monte Cassino. He is the founder of western monasticism. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI asserts that “with his life and work, St Benedict exercised a fundamental influence on the development of European civilization and culture” and was, after the collapse of the Roman Empire, instrumental in helping Europe to emerge from the “dark night of history“. This statuette of St. Benedict is a most fitting gift for a confirmation, ordination, ordination anniversary, profession of vows, vow jubilee, and the feast day of Saint Benedict on July 11th.
Saint Benedict of Nursia Statuette – A Monastic Labor of Love, Faith, and Hope
This statuette of Saint Benedict of Nursia stands 9 inches tall and is made from dolomite stone and resin. A community of nuns create, form, and hand-finish each statuette in their monastery’s atelier in France. Each nun, prayerfully in contemplation, fulfills a designated task required for the completion of every statuette of Saint Benedict of Nursia. Where, how, and by whom each piece comes to light tells us this statuette is without a doubt ”culturally authentic” and a true monastic labor of love, faith and hope! This will be a wonderfully distinctive gift for that special ”Benedict” in your own life!
Saint Benedict – Ora et Labora!
This statuette depicts St. Benedict holding the book of his profoundly influential Rule of Benedict which can be summarized in two Benedictine mottos: pax (“peace”) and the better known ora et labora (“pray and work”). Benedict viewed prayer and work as partners who need each other. Benedict believed that combining contemplation with action was not only possible, but essential: Monastic and other religious communities thrive when prayer and work exist together in balance. Ora et labora, contemplation and action, prayer and work are dance partners who must be together in order to be able to dance the dance of life and faith!
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