Albert Schweitzer was the type of person who it seems is almost no longer possible in our modern world – he was a world-renowned musician (revered to this day for his interpretations of Bach); a unique and well-known theologian; and perhaps most famously, a missionary doctor who sought to bring the advancements of modern medicine beyond the artificial borders of the West. Coming from someone so clearly dedicated to the pursuit of self-betterment, this quote carries special weight.
While characters as large as Dr. Schweitzer may be rare, we can still do all we can to do whatever good we are able to.
An interesting aspect of Dr. Schweitzer’s quote is the connection between the two sentences. Is it by doing good that one makes his or her self more noble; or is it that by ennobling the self through interior work, one is able to do more good?
If you’re unfamiliar with his life and work, take a few seconds to look into the life of this singular man.