Hand Carved Wood Statuette
16 inches
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Special Order Item
Made in Italy
The Shepherd with Basket is one of sixteen pieces in the Nativity, Bernardi 16″ Series. You can acquire this piece and other pieces for your Bernardi Nativity year by year, whether as a gift for your own family, or as a most generous gift for your church. One day your Bernardi Nativity will finally have all 16 pieces and will be on display in its entirety during the Advent and Christmas seasons in your home, office, chapel, church, school, or workplace. Fashioned with faith, the Bernardi Nativity is assuredly one of the most exquisite and finest nativities ever carved by hand from wood.
The Nativity, Bernardi 16″ Series, Shepherd with Basket – A Labor of Love, Hope and Faith
All sixteen pieces of the 16-inch Bernardi Nativity are carved, painted, and finished by hand from wood in a workshop in northern Italy. The “Nativity scene” (known in Italy as a presepe or presepio, and in France as a crèche) is a uniquely authentic, 800-year old Italian tradition. After all, the first “nativity scene” ever (a “living” one at that!) was orchestrated in 1223 by an Italian, Saint Francis of Assisi, now patron saint of Italy (go to History/Story tab). While in the Holy Land on pilgrimage, St. Francis viewed with his own eyes and touched with his own hands the actual spot in the cave below the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem where, according to tradition, Jesus had been born over 1,200 years earlier. Saint Francis relived the experience of Christmas night and Jesus’ birth with a “nativity scene” of living persons and animals. By doing so, he helped the faithful onlookers to engage their own senses of sight, touch, smell, and hearing and thereby deepen their own worship of Christ. The Bernardi Nativity is a lovely embodiment of this long and storied Italian tradition, a “culturally authentic” masterpiece, and a most lavish labor of love, faith and hope!
The Bernardi Nativity – An Exquisite Heirloom Gift for Generations to Come
Every Christmas season, the 16-inch Bernardi Nativity will radiate serenity, depth, and beauty wherever it is displayed. In Europe, crèches small and large will be on display everywhere in public places. May your own home, church, office, school, or workplace display a crèche of heirloom-quality – a crèche that will express with theological and artistic profundity the one and only “reason for the season”! The Shepherd with Basket with the entire Bernardi Nativity is of uncompromising heirloom quality and will surely be displayed prominently and cherished for many, many generations to come!
To see all items in this series Click Here
To see the Bernardi 4″ Series Click Here