Product Description
This beautiful Gold Brushed Pyx (Greek for “box”) is a worthy and appropriate vessel for conveying the Eucharist from the Mass to those in need of food for their journey back to spiritual and physical wholeness or for their journey from life through death into eternal life and into God’s tender and eternal embrace.
The Pyx carries the Body of Christ (Eucharist) from the Body of Christ (the Community) to Separated Members of the Body of Christ (the Infirm and Hospitalized)
The priest and extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist (Holy Communion) are commissioned by the Body of Christ gathered together at the Mass to bring the Body of Christ in a pyx (Greek for “box”) to the homebound, the bedridden, and the infirm in hospitals. This ministry is an imperative for the worshipping community, for Jesus calls each of us to visit the sick: “I was sick and you visited me” (Matthew 25:31-46). Bringing Holy Communion to the sick is both a corporal and spiritual work of mercy. Priests and extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist minister to the whole person – body, mind, and soul. They serve as ambassadors of Christ. When they bring the Body and Blood of our Lord to the sick, they are indeed an instrument of evangelization by their actions of love, kindness, and comfort.
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