Product Description
The Fourth Luminous Mystery – The Transfiguration plaque depicts Jesus standing in a boat and proclaiming the coming of God’s Kingdom. The Fourth Luminous Mystery – The Transfiguration plaque is of course an especially fitting gift for the pastor of your church who preaches the Word every Sunday. But this plaque – as part of the complete set of plaques of the 20 Mysteries of the Rosary – is also a wonderful gift for a school, parish, convent, retreat house, hospital, hospice, or monastery.
The Fourth Luminous Mystery – The Transfiguration Plaque – A Wondrous Labor of Love, Faith, and Hope
The Fourth Luminous Mystery – The Transfiguration plaque is 8.25 inches high, 6.75 inches wide, and 1 inch thick. The members of a cloistered religious community of nuns in France conceive, mold from dolomite stone and resin, and finish by hand each and every plaque in their atelier. Each member of the community prayerfully completes an assigned task needed for finishing every plaque. How, where, and by whom the Fourth Luminous Mystery – The Transfiguration plaque is created gives proof to how profoundly ”culturally authentic” – and what a wondrous labor of love, faith and hope this plaque is!
The Transfiguration of Jesus (Luke 9:28-36)
About eight days after Jesus said this, he took Peter, John and James with him and went up onto a mountain to pray. As he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning. Two men, Moses and Elijah, appeared in glorious splendor, talking with Jesus. They spoke about his departure, which he was about to bring to fulfillment at Jerusalem. Peter and his companions were very sleepy, but when they became fully awake, they saw his glory and the two men standing with him. As the men were leaving Jesus, Peter said to him, “Master, it is good for us to be here. Let us put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.” (He did not know what he was saying.) While he was speaking, a cloud appeared and covered them, and they were afraid as they entered the cloud. A voice came from the cloud, saying, “This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him.” When the voice had spoken, they found that Jesus was alone. The disciples kept this to themselves and did not tell anyone at that time what they had seen.
The “Luminous Mysteries” of the Rosary
A standard fifteen Mysteries of the Rosary, based on long-standing custom, was established by Pope Pius V in 1569. The fifteen mysteries were grouped together in three sets: the Joyful Mysteries, the Sorrowful Mysteries, and the Glorious Mysteries. Pope St. John Paul II introduced the Luminous Mysteries in his October 2002 Apostolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae for Roman Catholics to commemorate while praying the Rosary on Thursdays. The Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary – or the “Mysteries of Light” as they are also called – focus on the public life of Jesus, that is, the years of his preaching between His Baptism and His death. They are called the “Mysteries of Light” because Jesus is the light of the World. Jesus as the light is mentioned repeatedly Gospel of John: The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. There was a man sent from God whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light. The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. (John 1:5-9) — While I am in the world, I am the light of the world. (John 9:5). Pope St. John Paul II felt that it was important to add these mysteries to the history of the rosary since there was a yawning gap between Jesus’ childhood meditated upon in the Joyful Mysteries and his suffering and death meditated upon in the Sorrowful Mysteries. He also added the Luminous Mysteries to revive interest in the Rosary which in his words illumines an “ocean of joy and of light, of suffering and of glory” in the lives of Jesus and Mary.
The Mysteries of the Rosary
- The Annunciation of the Lord to Mary
- The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth
- The Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ
- The Presentation of Our Lord
- Finding Jesus in the Temple at age 12
- The Agony of Jesus in the Garden
- The Scourging at the Pillar
- Jesus is Crowned with Thorns
- Jesus Carries the Cross
- The Crucifixion of our Lord
- The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
- The Ascension of Jesus to Heaven
- The Descent of the Holy Spirit
- The Assumption of Mary into Heaven
- Mary is Crowned as Queen of Heaven and Earth
- The Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan
- The Wedding at Cana
- The Proclamation of the Kingdom
- The Transfiguration
- The Institution of the Eucharist
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